Nesma & Partners Expands its Influence in Sustainable Energy Infrastructure with IPLOCA Leadership Role

October, 2024

As a testament to our commitment to sustainable energy in the Oil and Gas sector, our growth, and footprint in the pipeline industry in KSA, Nesma & Partners is pleased to announce that our VP of Energy, Michael Fakhoury, has been elected to the Board of Directors of International Pipe Line and Offshore Contractors Association (IPLOCA), as a Director for the Middle East and Africa region, following a successful annual general meeting in Sorrento. IPLOCA, the International Pipeline, and Offshore Contractors Association, brings together over 250 prominent and leading global players in the pipeline construction industry, and its mission is to support the delivery of sustainable energy infrastructure, including pipeline construction.

As a proud regular member of IPLOCA, we were delighted to sponsor and participate in the 2024 convention and contribute to discussions on industry trends and challenges. The B2B talks and the networking opportunities with our fellow IPLOCA members from the international pipeline industry were priceless. Nesma & Partners with its expertise and insights will be collaborating with the international industry leaders and IPLOCA to continue driving innovation and sustainability in the region.

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